Maximizing Social Security Benefits: Smart Timing and Planning

Use This Season to Reassess and Refresh Navigating Social Security benefits effectively requires strategic consideration and timing. It’s a cornerstone for many when planning for retirement, underscoring the necessity of understanding how to optimize your Social Security benefits. This blog explores the nuances of smart Social Security planning, emphasizing the critical nature of timing and informed decision-making to potentially enhance the benefits you may receive.

Retirement Income Streams: Diversification for Financial Stability

The Power of Diversification in Securing Your Retirement Retirement is one of the most significant milestones in life. It represents the culmination of years of hard work and savings, but it also marks the beginning of a new financial chapter. Ensuring a comfortable and stable retirement requires careful planning, and a key component of that planning is creating diversified retirement income streams. Diversification not only mitigates risks but also enhances financial stability during your golden years. Read on for more about why you need to develop a diversification strategy today.

Exploring Retirement Income Sources: Beyond Social Security and Pensions

Knowing the retirement income sources available to you can help you plan for a sustainable financial future

When you consider your future retirement, are you simultaneously excited and terrified? If so, know that it’s normal! Retirement is a chapter of life that presents exciting opportunities, of course, but many retirees worry about running out of money in their golden years, too. Careful financial planning is essential and, while Social Security and pensions are often significant sources of retirement income, there’s a wide array of options to consider for creating a well-rounded and sustainable financial strategy. In this guide, we’ll explore additional retirement income sources that can enhance your financial security and help you enjoy a more […]

Retirement Income Planning: Generating and Sustaining Income Throughout Your Retirement

Retirement income planning allows you to mitigate the dangers of outliving your nest egg

Retirement is a milestone that brings new opportunities and challenges, particularly when it comes to managing your finances. As you transition from accumulating wealth to relying on your savings, retirement income planning becomes a crucial component of your financial strategy. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of retirement income planning and share strategies to help you generate and sustain income throughout your retirement years.

How Long Can I Keep My Money in My Retirement Account?

How Long Can I Keep My Money in My Retirement Account? BA Schrock

In most cases, you can’t actually keep your money in your retirement accounts forever. Even if you don’t need the money from your retirement accounts, many of them will require you to begin withdrawing from them when you are 73 years old.[1] This is called a required minimum distribution (often shortened to RMD). More specifically, you must start taking RMDs by April 1st following the year you turn 73.[2] The amount you are required to withdraw is calculated by dividing the value of the account on December 31st of the previous year by a factor based on your life […]

What Happens to Inherited Retirement Accounts?

What Happens to Inherited Retirement Accounts? BA Schrock

You may know plenty about the differences between traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, as well as the risks to your IRAs in this market, but what happens to an IRA (or other retirement account) that still has money in it when its owner passes away? You may think that the beneficiary just gets all the money in the account, but unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Retirement account funds will be transferred to a beneficiary, but their relationship to the owner is what determines how they can access the money and what they can do with it. Inherited Retirement Accounts: […]

What if 1 Million Dollars Isn’t Enough to Retire?

What if 1 Million Dollars Isn't Enough to Retire? B. A. Schrock

If you are headed toward retirement soon, or you have just retired, you may find yourself wondering, “Is my nest egg enough?” It’s a common question and one that causes a lot of people a lot of reasonable anxiety. Because retirement finances are much more about prediction than they are about facts and assurances, it can be hard to feel confident that you will have enough to carry you through your entire retirement. As you know, medical expenses, long-term care, housing repairs, and other unpredictable costs are just a part of life, so how can you prepare for those […]

Navigating Retirement as a High-Net-Worth Individual

Navigating Retirement as a High-Net-Worth Individual BA Schrock

For high-net-worth individuals and families, retirement is a significant shift. A high-net-worth individual, also known as an HNWI, is typically someone with at least $1 million in cash or assets that can be easily converted into cash, including stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, and other investments.[1] As an HNWI, you may not be too worried about depleting your funds in retirement, but there are many complexities that come into play that can eat away at your wealth faster than you think. Let’s discuss a few tips and tricks that can help you make the most of your golden years. […]

Will Your Retirement Savings Be Enough?

Will Your Retirement Savings Be Enough? BA Schrock

Are you unsure of how much money you will need in retirement? This is a very common concern for Americans as they approach retirement age. This blog will give you some tips on how to begin estimating your needs in the future, as well as some tips on how to increase the longevity of your savings. 5 Key Questions to Ask When Planning For Retirement Retirement Planning Question 1: How Much Should I Spend in Retirement? One of the easiest ways to judge how much money you will need in retirement is to take stock of how much money […]

The Value of Opening a Roth IRA at the End of the Year

The Value of Opening a Roth IRA at the End of the Year BA Schrock Financial Group

These days, retirement planning will likely involve Individual Retirement Accounts in one way or another. Whether you’re looking to roll over a 401(k), optimize your withdrawal timing, or take advantage of catch-up contributions, your IRA strategy may be one of the main components of your income strategy. So, let’s talk about the Roth IRA and its unique value at the end of the calendar year. What is the Roth IRA, and When is it Useful? The Roth IRA is a type of retirement account that you may withdraw from tax-free after a certain age and after holding it for […]

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